
We are privileged to work with some of the most exciting authors, chefs, illustrators and personalities in the world. Below you will find a sample of our clients which can be searched by first name, last name or title. For our full client list select, “Find by Name.”

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Melanie Raabe
Aja Raden
Carole Radziwill
David Rain
Susi Rajah
Jeannie Ralston
Mahesh Rao
William E. Rapp
Jill Rappaport
Molly Knight Raskin
Akshat Rathi
Dylan Ratigan
David Raubenheimer
Rebecca Ray
Mario Reading
Terry Real
Lyn-Genet Recitas
Nadine Redzepi
Gordon Reece
Gabrielle Reece
John Reed
Liz and Jimmy Reed
Christopher Reich
Anna Reid
Paul Reinwand
Russel Reiter
Karen Reivich
Brenda Remmes
Jim Rendon
Petra Reski
Rachel Resnick
Jacqueline Resnick
Irina Reyn
Katherine Reynolds Lewis
Jason Rezaian
Lucy Ribchester
Pamela Ribon
Zoe Rice
David Rich
Paul Richardson
Hannah Richell
Linda Richman
Andy Ricker
Phil Rickman
Thomas Rid
John Ridley
Michael Ridpath
Beau Riffenburgh
Christina Riggs
Pat Riley
Alex Riley
Charlotte Lydia Riley
Karen Rinaldi
Eric Ripert
Sally Rippin
Ross Ritchell
Krysten Ritter
Naya Rivera
Mary E. Roach
Susan Roane
Peter Robb
Jason Roberts
Wess Roberts
Callum Roberts
Andrea Robertson
Patrick Robertson
Deborah Robertson
Ian Robertson
Peter Robinson
Jo Robinson
Stacy Robinson
Ishi Robinson
Nick Robles
Michael Robotham
T.J. Rodgers
Lisa and Laura Roecker
Eugene Rogan
Elizabeth Rogers
Barnaby Rogerson
Stuart Rollo
Stephen Romano
Susan Ronald
Robert Roper
Joel Rose
Jeffrey Rosen
Molly Rosen Guy
Steven Rosenblatt
Lawrence Rosenblum
Dalia Rosenfeld
Andy Rosenzweig
Carne Ross
Jeff Rossman
Jess Rothenberg
Clay Routledge
Nina Rowan
Candida Royalle
Greg Rucka
Gabriel Rucker
Kevin Rudd
Erin Zammett Ruddy
David Rudolf
Michael Ruffino
Richard P. Rumelt
David Runciman
Ellen Ruppel Shell
Gerard Russell
Rupert Russell
Bernadette Russell
Katie Russell Newland
Alex Rutherford