Rogue Warrior: Blood Lies

ISBN: 9780765325419

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Rogue Warrior: Blood Lies

by Richard Marcinko

​When the daughter of a retired Navy SEAL is kidnapped and held for ransom in Mexico, Rogue Warrior Richard Marcinko and his band of Red Cell International warriors head south of the border to rescue her. Along the way, they encounter drug dealers and human traffickers, break into a cartel kingpin’s mansion, and do battle with a hundred of the meanest banditos since Pancho Villa. And just for good measure, Marcinko uncovers a secret Hezbollah camp funded by the Iranian government and sheltered by the drug lords.

But the founder of SEAL Team 6 finds his toughest opponent may actually be the woman he’s come to rescue. And then there’s the question of who really sent Dick to find her.…

Rogue Warrior: Blood Lies is a stunning new installment from writing team Richard Marcinko and Jim DeFelice.