Wellesley Wives

ISBN: 9781612131092

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Wellesley Wives

by Suzy Duffy

Wellesley Wives is romantic comedy about Popsy Power, Boston society-wife, and her best friend Sandra. They have it all with adoring husbands and fabulous daughters. Rosie is married with a baby of her own and Lily has a glittering career. Life is incredibly good, but then it goes bad.

From Ferraris and fine art to a boathouse in Banagher, it’s quite a change for the ladies who lunch. However, when Lily runs off with her father’s best friend and Rosie finds herself on a yacht with another woman’s husband, it’s hardly surprising that their mother should worry about the next generation of Wellesley Wives.

Life can’t always be fun in the sun, but when it gets get chilly, there’s fur! It’s a roller coaster ride for Popsy and the girls, but it’s certainly never dull. Enjoy the adventure with the Wellesley Wives.